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Job Listings
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Job TitlePosting DateTypeLocation
3168 B - Mulcahey Elementary School: Assistant Principal07/26/2024B - TAAJames L. Mulcahey Elementary SchoolApply
3225 A/C - Taunton Public Virtual Academy: School Secretary07/24/2024A/C - Secretaries & AssistantsTaunton Public Virtual AcademyApply
3224 A - Taunton High School: CVTE Tutors (3)07/24/2024Individual ContractTaunton High SchoolApply
3223 A - Friedman Middle School: Special Educator – Grade 507/24/2024A - TEABenjamin A. Friedman Middle SchoolApply
3222 A - East Taunton Elementary School: Kindergarten Teacher – 1 yr.07/24/2024A - TEAEast Taunton Elementary SchoolApply
3221 A - East Taunton Elementary School: Grade 1 Teacher07/24/2024A - TEAEast Taunton Elementary SchoolApply
3220 B - East Taunton Elementary School: Assistant Principal07/24/2024B - TAAEast Taunton Elementary SchoolApply
3219 A - District: Special Education Team Chair07/24/2024A - TEADistrictApply
3201 A/C - Taunton High School: Educational Assistant (2)07/24/2024A/C - Secretaries & AssistantsTaunton High SchoolApply
3200 A/C - Parker Middle School: Educational Assistant (2)07/24/2024A/C - Secretaries & AssistantsJohn F. Parker Middle SchoolApply
3199 A/C - Martin Middle School: Educational Assistant07/24/2024A/C - Secretaries & AssistantsJoseph H. Martin Middle SchoolApply
3191 A/C - Chamberlain Elementary School: Educational Assistant – 1 yr.07/24/2024A/C - Secretaries & AssistantsJoseph C. Chamberlain Elementary SchoolApply
3189 A/C - Bennett Elementary School: Lunch/Recess Assistant (2)07/24/2024A/C - Secretaries & AssistantsEdmund Hatch Bennett SchoolApply
3033 A - Galligan Elementary School: Grade 4 Teacher – 1 yr.07/23/2024A - TEAHarold H. Galligan SchoolApply
3178 A - District: Itinerant Music Teacher07/22/2024A - TEADistrictApply
3209 B - Taunton High School: Coverage Assigner07/19/2024B - TAATaunton High SchoolApply
3031 A - Galligan Elementary School: Grade 1 Teacher – 1 yr.07/19/2024A - TEAHarold H. Galligan SchoolApply
3218 - Taunton Alternative High School: Everyday Substitute – 1 yr.07/18/2024SubstituteTaunton Alternative High SchoolApply
3217 A - Friedman Middle School: Social Worker/Behavior Intervention Caseworker07/18/2024A - TEABenjamin A. Friedman Middle SchoolApply
3215 B - East Taunton Elementary School: Assistant Principal07/18/2024B - TAAEast Taunton Elementary SchoolApply
3214 C/U - Bennett Elementary School: Custodian07/18/2024C/U - CustodianEdmund Hatch Bennett SchoolApply
3213 - District: Title I Department – Instructional Tutor (4)07/18/2024HourlyDistrictApply
3130 A - Martin Middle School: Special Educator – Substantially Separate – Grades 5-7 – 1 yr.07/16/2024A - TEAJoseph H. Martin Middle SchoolApply
3002 A - District: Special Educator (Initial Assignment: Mulcahey Elementary School – RISE)07/16/2024A - TEAJames L. Mulcahey Elementary SchoolApply
3049 A - Mulcahey Elementary School: Social Worker/Behavior Intervention Caseworker07/16/2024A - TEAJames L. Mulcahey Elementary SchoolApply
3068 A - Taunton High School: Junior ROTC Instructor07/16/2024A - TEATaunton High SchoolApply
3066 - Taunton High School: Everyday Substitute (6) – 1 yr.07/16/2024SubstituteTaunton High SchoolApply
3061 A - Taunton Alternative High School: Part-Time Science Teacher07/16/2024A - TEATaunton Alternative High SchoolApply
3005 A - District: Speech Language Pathologist07/16/2024A - TEADistrictApply
3182 A - Taunton High School: Assistant Cross-Country Coach (Men)07/15/2024A - TEATaunton High SchoolApply
3183 A - Taunton Public Virtual Academy: Math Teacher07/12/2024A - TEATaunton Public Virtual AcademyApply
3171 - Extended Day Program: Group Leader (Initial Assignment: Martin Middle School)07/12/2024HourlyTaunton Extended Day ProgramApply
3170 - Extended Day Program: Assistant Group Leader (Initial Assignment: Martin Middle School)07/12/2024HourlyTaunton Extended Day ProgramApply
3169 - District: Grants Coordinator07/12/2024Individual ContractDistrictApply
3165 - Extended Day Program: Junior Aide (2)07/12/2024HourlyTaunton Extended Day ProgramApply
3098 - Extended Day Program: Group Leader (Initial Assignment: Martin Middle School)07/12/2024HourlyExtended Day ProgramApply
3097 - Extended Day Program: Assistant Group Leader (Initial Assignment: Elizabeth Pole Elementary School)07/12/2024HourlyExtended Day ProgramApply
3096 - Extended Day Program: Assistant Group Leader (Initial Assignment: East Taunton Elementary School)07/12/2024HourlyExtended Day ProgramApply
3095 - Extended Day Program: Assistant Group Leader (Initial Assignment: Chamberlain Elementary School)07/12/2024HourlyExtended Day ProgramApply
3132 A - Parker Middle School: Special Educator – Grade 6 – 1 yr.07/02/2024A - TEAJohn F. Parker Middle SchoolApply
3069 A - Taunton High School: Library Media Specialist07/02/2024A - TEATaunton High SchoolApply
2989 A - District: Library Media Specialist (2)07/02/2024A - TEADistrictApply
District: Crossing Guard07/01/2024HourlyDistrictApply
District: Substitute Custodian07/01/2024C/U - CustodianDistrictApply
District - Substitute Teacher07/01/2024SubstituteDistrictApply
3099 - Extended Day Program: Substitute (8)05/31/2024HourlyExtended Day ProgramApply